You Just Never Know…

Do you ever have one of those days where everything is going perfectly? You wake up on time, your hair is behaving, traffic is light, your day is easy, and just as you’re about to head home your boss asks, “Can we chat for a second?”

Insert sinking-knot-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach feeling here.

In a matter of minutes your whole world can be turned upside down! For me, that “chat” brought the news that I would be losing my job in a matter of weeks. Weeks! The entire drive home I considered my options and how I was going to tell my husband, Bobby, that we were unexpectedly about to be a single-income family. To make matters even scarier, Bobby and I are currently expecting baby Pace #1 – due in July. Not the best time to be losing my job.

With Baby Pace on the way and just a few weeks of dual income left, Bobby and I determined to figure out ways to cut our expenses and live more frugally (something we probably should have been doing all along) in order to live on one income in the near future, at least through a maternity leave. It’s not that I’m opposed to finding another job right now, but I’m in my second trimester of pregnancy, my ankles are getting bigger by the day and realistically, I can only work a couple more months anyway. Seems pointless to go through the trouble of finding a new job to have to quit in two months. Obviously, everyone will have differing opinions on the matter, but I am ready for a change of Pace. (See what I did there? :))

I’ve always had the entrepreneurial spirit in me. I love the thrill of selling stuff on eBay or Craigslist. Yes, I find it thrilling. So maybe losing my job unexpectedly is the push I needed to start working for myself. As terrifying as it is, I am a little excited. I plan on selling as much as possible, finding ways to drastically cut our grocery bill and maybe even DIY-ing some maternity clothes and baby items I will need in the future, all while letting the world read about my ups-and-downs. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me. Wanna ride along?

2 thoughts on “You Just Never Know…

  1. After reading your maiden post, I have NO DOUBT that your journey will be as exciting as it is successful!! Your entrepreneurial spirit AND your beautiful gift of writing will give delightful hope and ideas to all of your readers!! I for one am already an avid fan!! I will definitely try to keep up with the Pace. (See what I did there? hehe).


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