My Meals

cutleryIn the Pace household, we eat well. I’ve loved to cook for as long as I can remember and I’m never afraid to try something new in the kitchen. But cooking on a budget doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste or creativity! Our grocery budget is a mere $200 a month. Given, I’m only cooking for two adults right now, but that’s still tight! And no, we don’t eat PB&J for dinner to make that budget work. We have all sorts of meals like steak, shrimp, chicken and the occasional splurge here and there. And we always eat leftovers once a week. The only way we stay on track with our grocery budget is planning ahead and buying proteins when they are on a dirt-cheap sale. For example, I won’t pay more than $1.99lb for chicken, so if it’s not on sale that week, we eat something else that is. When protein is on sale for my bottom line, I always buy a second (or third!) package to put in the freezer. This prevents those splurge purchases that break the budget.

What ways do you stretch your grocery budget?

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