Why Not DIY?

I just entered my second trimester of pregnancy, and boy, I cannot wear any of my regular pants anymore! It is tights or maternity pants every day for me. Recently I was in the Galleria and went to A Pea in the Pod Maternity. They had such cute stuff and I couldn’t wait to try on some maternity pants. I picked my size off the rack and then BAM! I saw the price tag… $229?! Two hundred and twenty nine dollars for a pair of jeans with an elastic panel?? Holy Moly. That is just not going to work for me.

That outrageous price tag inspired me. Maybe I could sew my own elastic panel into a pair of pants? I do love a challenge. Rather than experiment on my pre-pregnancy pants (which I intend on wearing again one day!), I headed to my favorite place on earth – the Thrift Store. There I found three pairs of pants for less than $9. Not $9 each, but $9 total! They fit everywhere but that growing tummy of mine and I can’t wait to chop them up and turn them into maternity pants. Especially since they were so cheap, if I ruin them, then oh well! Surely I can get a great pair out of at least one attempt! I’ll let you know how it goes.

Have you ever DIY-ed maternity clothing?

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